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Leasing Electronic Signage

What it is and how it works for electronic signage

LED Sign Leasing is a payment option that you can use to pay for your LED Signs. Using a standard equipment lease allows you to pay for your electronic signage over time instead of paying for it in one lump sum payment.

Electronic signage leasing is NOT a month-to-month rental program. In other words, you own the electronic signage, you are not renting it.

To learn more about the electronic signage leasing process click the link on the left of the page.

Electronic signage leasing terms are commonly 24, 36, 48 or 60 months depending on the size of your lED sign purchase and the credit standing of both the business and the business owner. Typically you will lease your LED Signs for a period of 60 months. When you sign the lease documents you will pay your first and last payment in advance. You would then have 58 remaining payments to make.

Upon completion of the 60 month term you would have the option of buying out the lease for $1.

Obviously, everyone pays the dollar and the LED Signs are theirs free and clear.

There are numerous advantages to leasing electronic signage as well as a few disadvantages to leasing electronic signage. Follow the links on the right to learn more about the process, advantages, disadvantages or to open the lease application.

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